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Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Man Collapsed At Hearing Lady He Raped Is HIV Positive.

May have HIV: Richard Thomas will not find out until later this week if he is infected with the virus as a direct result of a sex attack he carried out on a woman

27 year old Richard Thomas who raped a lady and was arrested for it collapsed in jail when the police informed him that the lady he raped has been teasted possitive.  

"A man who has been jailed for raping a woman has been told that he could have contracted HIV as a result of the attack he inflicted upon his victim.
Richard Thomas, 27, collapsed when police informed him about the woman's medical status and is still waiting to hear if he has contracted the incurable virus.
Thomas, of Leigh in Greater Manchester, knew the woman and was aware that she has another illness but had not known about the HIV.
The court heard he was shocked when he was told and asked to be taken to hospital, Liverpool Crown Court heard.

He had let himself into her home in the middle of the night and she awoke to find him raping her.
'She froze and no words were exchanged. He pulled up his shorts and left,' said Harry Pepper, prosecuting.
'He was arrested and interviewed and said he had been drinking heavily, taken cocaine and ecstasy and could not recall the incident,' he added.
His barrister, Virginia Hayton, said that  told the court that Thomas will not find out the result of his HIV test until Friday and has had the worry of the outcome hanging over him.
'It is his own fault, if he had not committed this offence he would not have placed himself in this position.' the judge said."

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