Dawn Chappell checked the photo on her phone and scanned the sea of faces on the station platform to see if she recognised anyone.
She was waiting to meet a blind date off the train and feared she’d been stood up. It wouldn’t have been the first time for unlucky-in-love Dawn, who weighed 22st.
“I’d been on a date a few months earlier, but you could tell by the way he looked at me I wasn’t his cup of tea,” she recalls.
“And halfway through he left without telling me.”
But it turned out her train date, Russ Beach, was just late and still turned up.
Two years on, the couple are still together.
And finding the man of her dreams also helped Dawn, 39, to shed an impressive ten stone, but not through a conventional diet.
She puts her weight loss down to the couple’s three-times-a-day lovemaking sessions. Now she weighs just 12st and has gone from a size 24 to a size 12.
Dawn, from Walkern, Hertfordshire, says: “I struggled for years to lose weight and it took me a while to figure out why.
“Now we call my new regime ‘s3xercise’. It’s definitely more fun than counting calories or going to the gym.
"I say to friends who want to lose weight, ‘Put down the crisps and pick up your boyfriends!’”
Russ, 34, says: “I’ve always told Dawn it’s what’s on the inside that matters, but I’m really proud. I’d recommend the s3x diet!”
-UK Mirror
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