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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Court Jails Man 19 Years For Rape

Chief Magistrate Kikelomo Ayeye of the Lagos State Magistrate Court sitting in Tinubu yesterday convicted and sentenced a 26 year old artisan, Sheriff Oyewole to 19 year imprisonment for rape.
The court sentenced the convict after founding him guilty of a 12- count charge of unlawful sexual intercourse, detain to have unlawful sex in a hotel room, engaging in sexual activities without consent, assault and sexual assault, unlawfully administer poison, taking nude pictures of a girl and threatened to use the picture to cause injury to her reputation.

Oyewole was also found guilty of having unlawful carnal knowledge with a girl, forcefully remove the cloth of a girl and dip it in water leaving her naked.

The prosecution had told the court that the offences are contrary and punishable by Section 258, 171, 241, 271(a)(c), 272, 220, 144, 261, 263, 316, 337 (7), 134 (2) of the Criminal Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria 2011.

Delivering its judgement, the court held, “The sole issue for determination here is whether the prosecution has proved each of the twelve count offences alleged against the defendant herein beyond reasonable doubt.

In every criminal matter, onus of proof is at all times on the prosecution, which onus is discharged on the establishment of the essential elements of the alleged offences.

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